Contemporary Korean Art exhibition (1960-1961)
Reproduction of newspaper article “Fine art specialists here to display Korean Paintings”
The Singapore Free Press
14 January 1961
Courtesy of the National Library Singapore
Microfilm Reel NL2544
The Singapore Free Press
14 January 1961
Courtesy of the National Library Singapore
Microfilm Reel NL2544
He was accompanied by Kim Kyung Seung, a sculptor; Kwon Nyung Hyu, a designer; Lee Wan Suk, a commercial artist; and Kim Soon Yun, an oil painter. The exhibition was part of a two-month tour in Southeast Asia sponsored by UNESCO and the Korean Embassy. The visit to Singapore had been in part arranged by the local Chinese Chamber of Commerce.
Reproduction of newspaper article “Notes from here and there on Malayan arts and letters”
The Straits Times
30 January 1961
Courtesy of the National Library Singapore
Microfilm Reel NL12117
The Straits Times
30 January 1961
Courtesy of the National Library Singapore
Microfilm Reel NL12117
Reproduction of newspaper article “Korean contemporary art works shown until May 13”
Manila Times
24 April 1962
Courtesy of the Purita Kalaw Ledesma Archive
Manila Times
24 April 1962
Courtesy of the Purita Kalaw Ledesma Archive
Reproduction of exhibition photograph
The Philippines Herald
24 April 1962
Courtesy of the Purita Kalaw Ledesma Archive
The Philippines Herald
24 April 1962
Courtesy of the Purita Kalaw Ledesma Archive
Perhaps in reference to the 1960 exhibition Contemporary Korean Art, the article notes that this was “the first major contemporary Korean art collection to be shown in the Philippines” and that there has been “a lesser Korean art exhibition” that took place in the National Museum on Herran two years prior.
The exhibition was the result of an invitation from the AAP as part of its annual art exhibit at the Northern Motors showroom. This was not unusual for the arts organization which sought to internationalize the Philippine art scene by creating stronger regional ties and cultural exchange. In 1957, AAP, as part of its annual art exhibition, organized the first art exhibition of Southeast Asia.