Fyerool Darma︎︎︎
bani haykal︎︎︎
Ariko S. Ikehara︎︎︎
Eisa Jocson︎︎︎
Simon Soon and
Munirah Mansoor︎︎︎
Vuth Lyno︎︎︎
Ming Wong︎︎︎
Yee I-Lann︎︎︎︎︎︎
View Gallery︎︎︎
Curatorial Essay︎︎︎
Nanyang Technological University,
School of Art, Design and Media
NTU ADM Gallery 1 & 2
81 Nanyang Drive
Singapore 637458︎︎︎
Mon—Fri, 10am—5pm
Sat, by appointment
Closed on Sun
In Our Best Interests traces a historical line between
contemporary affinities and appropriations of Afro-Asian
histories, and historical trajectories of global solidarity
movements, including anti-colonial and anti-racism resistance
projects emerging after World War II. The exhibition considers complications and contexts including multi-ethnic and mixed-
race communities engendered by wartime occupation, as well as the inadvertent legacies of international peacekeeping missions, cultural exchanges, and intimate economies that characterize the afterlives of anti-colonial geopolitics.
Displayed alongside the artworks, selected archival materials map key itineraries of regional and international anti-colonial and anti-racism movements that were informed by an emergent global sensibility and desire for a post-imperial world order. These connect the 1955 Afro-Asian Conference in Bandung, the short-lived confederation of Maphilindo, and other independence projects.
Displayed alongside the artworks, selected archival materials map key itineraries of regional and international anti-colonial and anti-racism movements that were informed by an emergent global sensibility and desire for a post-imperial world order. These connect the 1955 Afro-Asian Conference in Bandung, the short-lived confederation of Maphilindo, and other independence projects.